Your first piece of personality at your very own house....
yes its small and prob silly to you who have your whole houses done but its exciting for us! the boys where SO excited about it theysat there flipping it for an hour on n off n on n off and when kenny came home the scream heard around the world was ..... "daddy daddy daddy daddyyyyyyy come wook at our new wite sitch" thats hte first time wev ever beenable to do something like that so yes it is pathetic but i dont care! its MINE! lolololol
yes its small and prob silly to you who have your whole houses done but its exciting for us! the boys where SO excited about it theysat there flipping it for an hour on n off n on n off and when kenny came home the scream heard around the world was ..... "daddy daddy daddy daddyyyyyyy come wook at our new wite sitch" thats hte first time wev ever beenable to do something like that so yes it is pathetic but i dont care! its MINE! lolololol