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I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Friday, September 23, 2005

evan got

a hair cut yesterday he chose the style he wanted and everything to see before and after please....

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his hair is SO thick and long it stuck out all over when he woke up lol bedhead

After (also its picture day at school so hes looking snazzy dont ya think!)
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lookin good =) remember HE chose the hair style =) ( it looks good layig down too lol ill get pics of that after his shower tonight)

posted by Kristina @ |11:38 AM|


Kris he looks so much like you. And I love the hair, anyone being critical has to remember hair changes all time, just ask his mother or grandmother. Hey at least this time he did not go blonde tips. Loved that too.

By Blogger David/Sue, at 9/23/05, 3:08 PM  

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