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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Friday, October 28, 2005


self pf isnt happening this week so we are just playing Stuff PF from Random and odd to see my spf please..........

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this week Kristene wants
Your Spooky Decorations

Your Costumes

Your Spooky Neighborhood

welllll my decor SUCKS this year but i did manage to get a few items up lol
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but the garage window which is just barely out of the big pic to the right has its own scary decorations lol
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see the spiders??? bleck horrible "curtain" too came with the place gotta change that out to something oh i dont know remotly attractive

ok now spooky costumes
I dont have pics really of the kids in costume yet youll have to check back tuesday to see those but i posted pics of me and hubby in our costumes in a earlier post again ill post more tuesday lol but that should hold u off for now

and last our spooky neighborhood
my neighborhood isnt scary at all lol actualy theres only like 5 houses with any decor up and im one of them i think prob because theres alot of elderly people around thats ok next year ill make up for it =) but heres a pic i took from my driveway of a house down the road with some stuff up sorry its not such a good pic
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thats my spf for this week dont forget to check out the others whov played !!!

posted by Kristina @ |8:31 AM|


My garage looks like that too! Now THAT'S spooky! :)

By Blogger Book Bums, at 10/28/05, 11:23 AM  

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