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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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.::The Times of my Life::.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Dukes of Hazzard

was very shocking and rather crude.. I couldnt believe it was only rated pg13 it SHOULD of been rated R.. my kids couldnt watch it and were rather upset about it (they like the tv show) but geesh I wouldnt let a 17 yr old watch it! it had lots of crude language and lots of naked girls.. when Bo said he wanted to "F" the general Lee (yes his car) and no he didnt say F he said the word Kenny and I looked at eachother in utter shock and sent all the kids to watch a nice kids movie in their room I couldnt believe it and it got worse from there... so its not kid friendly it had its hilarity but the crudeness just ruined it for us.. It could of been a LOT better without it all..

posted by Kristina @ |12:58 PM|


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