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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Monday, December 19, 2005

Monday Madness

1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you. I dont remember any toys really meaning anything to me when i was younger other then something to play with I really loved my big wheels and I still have a few stuffed animals iv had since i was 5 and i have a my little pony i had as a kiddo too I had a fav tree to climb that count? fav lizzards and i named hte snails in the yard and wrote their initials on their shells in sharpie and hid them from my grandmas snail killer lolol

2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child. atari monopoly

3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now. hmmm i eat more meats now then i did as a kid ,, when I was young I would eat everything on my plate except my meats and my sister would eat all her meat and when noone was looking we would switch plates lol im more daring now just the other night i had a rib eye

4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like. brussel sprouts GAG! sea food any/all of it LIVER BLECK and most any kind of wild game

posted by Kristina @ |10:11 AM|


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