for Home Warranty's! last night i went to nuke something and when i pressed start my microwave went fizzle and went black... uhoh.. i look at kenny n said the micro just died.. i say maybe i flipped hte breaker so why keny fiddles with the plug i go flip the breaker ( it wasnt flipped but just incase) came back in and he closes the door and it comes back on.. hmm ok weird i open the door and it dies again i close thedoor and it pops back on.. this time it stays on as i program it and then when i press start fizzle it doed again.. I was DONE with it wasntr isking it exploding on me or catching fire if something was loose in it so i let it be called our warranty place and now waiting for the call from the appliance place.. luckily if its unfixable they will fully replace it! stupid microwave