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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

thank you

for Home Warranty's! last night i went to nuke something and when i pressed start my microwave went fizzle and went black... uhoh.. i look at kenny n said the micro just died.. i say maybe i flipped hte breaker so why keny fiddles with the plug i go flip the breaker ( it wasnt flipped but just incase) came back in and he closes the door and it comes back on.. hmm ok weird i open the door and it dies again i close thedoor and it pops back on.. this time it stays on as i program it and then when i press start fizzle it doed again.. I was DONE with it wasntr isking it exploding on me or catching fire if something was loose in it so i let it be called our warranty place and now waiting for the call from the appliance place.. luckily if its unfixable they will fully replace it! stupid microwave

posted by Kristina @ |9:24 AM|


OMG !! Are you a witch ?
A witch of all trades including good things ???
Hey ! Don't play with that microwave trying to repair it yourself!!! More complicated than oven because of the radiation factor.
Merry Christmas !!!

By Blogger jac, at 12/18/05, 7:38 AM  

LOL at Sheri! And when you're done come break mine so I can get new ones too :)

By Blogger Jennifer, at 12/18/05, 6:46 PM  

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