Had our first Pack meeting last night. was GREAT! had a big turn out of family to watch and we had 5 boys earn there bobcat rank! WAY TO GOB OYS! .. kenny did the ceremony as I painted there faces was fun.. then we glued together their boats for our raingutter regetta next month... we had a bunch of parent volunteer to help out in the pack which is an answer to prayers. And we had a few new boys sign up! after the meeting was over and everything cleaned up we where preparing to leave wheni looked down on the floor for some reason and there was a lizard with his tail freshly ripped off hiding near a wall.. so I grabbed him up real quick and showed Evan n Jarod and Cay the little guy and let them pet him and stuff showed him its missing tail and explained how that happened.. thenwe went out and let him go in the bushes. then i looked over onto hte grass and say prob 8 jack rabbits sitting there staring at us! so the boys got a kick out of them and kiara was waving and yelling hi bye hi bye lol... anyway Jarod woke up this am with his upper eyelid all swollen like its full of water! no gunk no bites nothing that i can see his eye itself looks fine. so I am taking him in to get it checked in a minute.. cant mess with eye problems you kinda need eyes lol... and then at 1145 Cay has to get a mini precavity spot scraoped and filled ... ok must go they moved the drs on me and i gotta find it lol BYEEE