I had my big u/s yesterday afternoon. They only gave me pics of the babys head for some oddreason. Though they did give me a vhs of the baby too which shows everything. But I have no way to get that on here sorry. Here are the pics.
Here is the must have alien shot
The perfect wittle profile
Another profile shot they labeled
They wouldnt say if everything was ok or not. They arent allowed.. But I am sure if something was wrong theyd of calledmy dr or a higher up in the office there immedietely. I see my ob next thursday so he will go over it all then.
Here is the must have alien shot
The perfect wittle profile
Another profile shot they labeled
They wouldnt say if everything was ok or not. They arent allowed.. But I am sure if something was wrong theyd of calledmy dr or a higher up in the office there immedietely. I see my ob next thursday so he will go over it all then.