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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Saturday, October 06, 2007


I do love being sick when pregnant. I have a stuffed nose and a sore throat and my head is throbbing. It is SOOOO nice! I need to clean the bathroom today and do a load or 2 of laundry then i am done i am going to cul up in a blanket and do diddly squat. Uhmm dinner.... No idea lol Maybe I can get Kenny to hit taco bell or something on his way home. I get dizzy when i stand for more hten a few minutes. Good thing hte bathrooms not a complete pigstye, and the laundry thats left is towels and blankets.

Before you ask.. NO I still don't have an appointment scheduled. Apparently they got inundated with urgent referrals and as i am not "urgent" I keep being relegated down the list. I started out on Monday at #12 Thursday I was ALLL the way up to #10! She said she hoped to get to me Friday.. But obviously that didnt happen. Heres to hoping I get the call on Monday! I wonder if they can refer me to some other office that might actually get my appointment scheduled this year! I will give them till uhmmmmmmm I don't know Tuesday or Wednesday Then I am calling my dr and let him deal with it. How hard would it of been to say oh I've got you on hte phone let my just schedule that real quick.. Geesh Ok must go get ta cleaning.. I was going to vac today but my head can't handle it. Just gotta stay hydrated!

posted by Kristina @ |10:05 AM|


Oh no! Hope you feel better soon. Hey, it's a good thing that you keep getting pushed back, means they don't consider it that dangerous right?!

We'll be praying for your quick healing so you can chase those kids some more.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/7/07, 5:49 AM  

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