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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008


I keep forgetting to tell you guys! On Jarod's bday we all sang his song and told him to make a wish then blow out the candle. He stops thinks for a second and said.. " I wish for a baby sister named Daphne" yup uhuh I laughed n laughed....

OH and I keep forgetting to tell you all my mil is a thief! Honestly, she admits it! When I was in the hospital delivering she organized my kitchen for me which was great. Anyway a couple weeks later they came down and she was telling me that she finally remembered to take her giant white Tupperware bowl home. I thought for a second and said um that was my bowl. You gave it to me for Christmas one year full of mayo and noodles to make salad in. Then she remembered and was embarrassed lol.. My sil told her she couldn't have hers either. It will prob live on as a family joke now. Hide the bowls moms coming over!

posted by Kristina @ |1:56 PM|


Brat, LOL
Hey I still can't find my bowl. What do you bet David threw it away because it was dirty? ( I used it in the garden to plant potatoes.)
But I will continue my search, so keep yours hidden away.
Yes I was embarrassed. But I am over it now. NOT!!!!!

By Blogger David/Sue, at 5/18/08, 9:25 PM  

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