Jarod lost a tooth yesterday! His 3rd. Leave it to Jsarod to lose his teeth out of order. So far he lost his bottom front 2 and he just lost the one next to the bottom front 2. So he has lost 3 on bottom and none on top. The top ones arent even loose! I always thought it went bottom front 2 top front 2 then on n on lol..
Ya know how I mentioned Leilas not been doing her normal nap routine lately. I was playing with her yesterday and was letting her chew /suck on my finger and she grabbed my hand growled at it and starts gnawing away. So I rubbed her gums a bit and noticed .. YES! ALREADY! her 2 bottom front teeth are coming in. NONE of my kids got teeth before 6 months. And shes got 2 starting in! She has that clear line right there and you can feel them through it! Getting so big. She rolls from tummy to back now everytime. And sometimes makes it from back to tummy. Which she doesnt like lol.
Ya know how I mentioned Leilas not been doing her normal nap routine lately. I was playing with her yesterday and was letting her chew /suck on my finger and she grabbed my hand growled at it and starts gnawing away. So I rubbed her gums a bit and noticed .. YES! ALREADY! her 2 bottom front teeth are coming in. NONE of my kids got teeth before 6 months. And shes got 2 starting in! She has that clear line right there and you can feel them through it! Getting so big. She rolls from tummy to back now everytime. And sometimes makes it from back to tummy. Which she doesnt like lol.