So e goes to outdoor education camp all next week. He leaves Monday and comes home Friday. I am freakin out! Hard. This will be the first time he has been away over night and not at mamaw's. The Dr prescribed him some nose spray for the bedwetting. We startedusing it Tuesday night and he has had no accidents since then. But it is just for use for when not at home. (used it first to be sure of side efects and what not) Anyway. I will still send goodnights and he can still use them. But i don't thin he will have an oops. I need to go today and add that to his presc list. He is excited. I also need to go today and get the rest oif his stuff. He has grown and needs a few pairs of jeans for the trip. I need to get a sleeping bag and canteen still as well as a flashlight and disp camera. I am so tired right now..L refused to nap all afternoon. So I only got about 2 hours sleep yesterday total. I work tonight. Should be fun. Will go trick or treating with the kids nget em all inb ed before i go ofc ourse. But i get to dress my face up.. ( no body still have to wear uniform)Anyway must make a list of things to do today as my brain is fried. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!