Schools over! My kids are home for the summer! HEHEHEHE now to think of evil things for them to do for me, such as clean their rooms and help with dishes and uhmm uhmmm oh wait they did that anyway... huh.. I will think of some extra something for them to do to keep them busy. The best thing of all no smart start this summer. No waking the kids up early to take 1 child to school for 4 weeks! YIPEEEE first summer we have had completely off in like 2 summers. Course next summer Kiara will be in it. Joy. Sniffle. Well off to call EDD and make sure they received my extension. They are almost 4 weeks behind! My checking account is crying out in need of that money to pay bills. Hope it gets here in time. Must go Mr E wants to finish watching a movie on his laptop. Bye for now.