Kenny installed a new garbage disposal in the kitchen. (like it would be in the bathroom)
It is awesome! Sooo much quieter then the old one and the best part of all it doesn't leak disgusting foody rusty water under my sink onto everything that's under there. Whoohooo WTG babe! More projects for this week include planting the bloodgood Japanese maple tree out front. (So pretty and such a deep dark purple)We must also finish fixing the sprinklers in the front yard. We had them all fixed Sunday and running! then they wouldn't shut off Kenny touched a solenoid and it snapped off! NOW since these are parts that are no longer made we must replace all of it. Which means cutting raising and gluing more parts (not to mention buying them. Fun fun. And there is a medicine cabinet in the garage we are going to put in the main bathroom for the kids toothbrushes and stuff. We need to put up the little border we have left in the smaller front yard section (in front of were we will be putting our patio) and then fill it around the plants there with bark we got. We replaced the weak little wobbly wish it was bender board stuff we had out front with some really cute multi level rounded wood border stuff.
similar to that but not bambo. Imagine each 2 pieces of bamboo stuck together to form one rounded stump of wood all different levels like that though. Probably a bit shorter too. But that's what we put out. I will take a pic when it is all done. the patio is on the list but it is way down there as we need to get rid of some dirt and get rock and sand and stuff. Lets see oh yes we have some bamboo fencing we are going to put up in the back yard to help block the sun and heat from the house. We plan on adding a window to the garage to put in an ac unit so we can make it a workout game area. Again lower on the list. The backyard needs the old walkway removed and a patio area put in. Ditto on the list placement. We did get the garden done. YEAH! I have Corn, cantaloupe, watermelon. pumpkin, zucchini, crookneck squash, tomato, jalapeno, green bell pepper, cilantro, rosemary and strawberries. The strawberries are in a planter so as to not take over the garden area. And the teeny tiniest cutest little insects.
yup, little baby praying mantis's all over my yard. They are soo itty bitty. The plant it is next to is a baby zucchini plant. I would say it was as long as a pinky fingernail. I had my camera about 4 inches from it and it was zoomed all the way in. and of course we still need to put up trim and seal our grout in here lol. But we need a bigger truck to get the trim it is too long for our truck.
Jarod and Kiara see the dentist today. Should be thrilling. I am worried bout J's mouth. He has a very small mouth and his adult teeth in front push all the other baby teeth out of the way. I fear they will want to pull teeth. Which for Jarod will be worse then anything. poor guy has such a sensitive mouth and freaks out at stuff in his mouth. Wish us luck.
it is the last week of school. Report cards come home Friday. Cay and Jay have a field trip Thursday to the park. Me and the girls will be joining them. We have little league today and Thursday scouts tonight, ballet Thursday and then .... it's summer! Going to be a loooooooooooooooong hot summer. Well I have written a very long probably rather boring post. But now you know what we have been up to lol. Must go change a stinky butt.
It is awesome! Sooo much quieter then the old one and the best part of all it doesn't leak disgusting foody rusty water under my sink onto everything that's under there. Whoohooo WTG babe! More projects for this week include planting the bloodgood Japanese maple tree out front. (So pretty and such a deep dark purple)We must also finish fixing the sprinklers in the front yard. We had them all fixed Sunday and running! then they wouldn't shut off Kenny touched a solenoid and it snapped off! NOW since these are parts that are no longer made we must replace all of it. Which means cutting raising and gluing more parts (not to mention buying them. Fun fun. And there is a medicine cabinet in the garage we are going to put in the main bathroom for the kids toothbrushes and stuff. We need to put up the little border we have left in the smaller front yard section (in front of were we will be putting our patio) and then fill it around the plants there with bark we got. We replaced the weak little wobbly wish it was bender board stuff we had out front with some really cute multi level rounded wood border stuff.

yup, little baby praying mantis's all over my yard. They are soo itty bitty. The plant it is next to is a baby zucchini plant. I would say it was as long as a pinky fingernail. I had my camera about 4 inches from it and it was zoomed all the way in. and of course we still need to put up trim and seal our grout in here lol. But we need a bigger truck to get the trim it is too long for our truck.
Jarod and Kiara see the dentist today. Should be thrilling. I am worried bout J's mouth. He has a very small mouth and his adult teeth in front push all the other baby teeth out of the way. I fear they will want to pull teeth. Which for Jarod will be worse then anything. poor guy has such a sensitive mouth and freaks out at stuff in his mouth. Wish us luck.
it is the last week of school. Report cards come home Friday. Cay and Jay have a field trip Thursday to the park. Me and the girls will be joining them. We have little league today and Thursday scouts tonight, ballet Thursday and then .... it's summer! Going to be a loooooooooooooooong hot summer. Well I have written a very long probably rather boring post. But now you know what we have been up to lol. Must go change a stinky butt.