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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

glitter lava

Is not something I recommend you allow in your home. EVER! The package says its not messy and doesn't stain. They lie. If it wasn't for the plastic I put down on the table it would of taken sandpaper to get it off. The little dabs that missed the plastic still aren't scrubbing off. And I don't think Leila's clothes will ever be the same again. I will be picking clumps of dried glittery colored snot off them for days.
These pics are after I started cleaning up. (batteries were charging)
see her shirt? It is completely stuck to itself.
Again took these AFTER I wiped the kids down and started cleaning the table. I then threw away all glitter lava the plastic and boxes. Glitterlava.com.. bull poop. They lie. It is not stretchy. Slimy yes, sticky yes, like colored glittery snot most definitely. Again if you are crazy enough to buy it. Or just receive it as a gift. Put the kids in the backyard on the lawn in nothing but underwear with hair back in ponytails. You'll regret it otherwise.

posted by Kristina @ |10:27 AM|



#2: 5 kids in and you're just now figuring out that the infomercial/commercials lie?

#3: go for the Moon Sand. It sticks to their skin but NO stains yet. (And it's 100x easier to clean up than playdoh)

#4: give her slobbery face a kiss from me!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/27/09, 1:52 PM  

Sorry but I am still laughing. That is so cute. Glad I am not taking care of them right now.
Mamaw does not like gunk. But I love those little girls so they can stay.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/27/09, 7:55 PM  

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