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I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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.::The Times of my Life::.

Monday, January 18, 2010


So I turned in another English Comp essay thingy last week. I got my score back today and SHOCKINGLY, as I was expecting a d again, I received a 91! Whoohooo. It was a narrative comp. I didn't even have anyone pre read it for me just sent it off. I would of received a better score except I really didn't believe each person talking should be in a whole new stinking paragraph. I mean It would of had 3 word paragraphs! And most books I read aren't like that. So I got docked for my grammar and mechanics score. I can hope to get that good a score on my next 2 but I don't see it happening as frankly I still don't understand what they even want from me for the next one. And the last one is actually my final and 1/3rd of my grade for that class. Right now I have 3 A's and a D in that class. Hopefully i can get at least a B on the next comp then those grades would be relatively high enough to counteract a D on the final, if worst comes to worst and I get one. I was so excited when I saw that 91 I jumped around and had Evan give me a high 5! I honestly never expected to get that high a grade on any of the comps. I was suppose to write about something that happened in my life (from a diary) HA! Diary. This is as close as i get to a diary. I wrote this essay last year. When Sher was home recovering from her ickiness. So it was basically a narrative about that time. Though I made up a few phone calls and stuff for it lol. Too much worrying back then and not enough conversations. But hey Sher youl be glad to know all your misery got me an A lol. Evil Laugh. Well an A-. a 90 was a B lol. Boy reading it to see the comments and correction brought it all back to me again and i must say Sher i am glad you got better. I would have to hunt you down and kick yer butt if something happened to you. I would miss you dreadfully, and I love you dearly. So stay healthy from now on! Is your appendix out? If not you should just have em pull it now! Save us the worry for later lol.

posted by Kristina @ |8:51 AM|


Good work! Don't you love getting your grades back with a nice surprise!!

By Blogger Mireya, at 1/18/10, 11:47 AM  

I want to see the essay. I bet it was good.
You do not give yourself enought credit.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/19/10, 12:57 PM  

Awww that's so sweet, I love you too, your like my little sister, only, you know, taller. LOL. I'd love to read the essay if you ever want to share it.

I have no appendix. I think the only thing left that can come out without too much trouble is my uterus. LOL What a mess!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/19/10, 7:18 PM  

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