Little lost sheep
Onesome: Little-- by little we work our way through the week. Do you have anything fun coming up this weekend or in the next week? ...or maybe you're ready for a little relaxation? we are going to my mil's house this weekend to help plumb electric and fill her pool
Twosome: Lost-- Do you get lost easily? ...or are you one of those people who always seems to know where they are? what im somewere? dang let me look around and try n figure it out
Threesome: Sheep-- ...and goats and rabbits and, and, and: What is the favorite critter you look forward to seeing at the petting zoo (if you're a fair goer)? ...and if not, well, which one would just as soon not run across on a walk around the block? I mean, if you were the type who walked around the block and the farm animals escaped from Farmer John's truck on his way to the Fair...
horses oh wait petting zoo??? petting zoo animals prob the baby animals like the deer... baby deer are way cute
Onesome: Little-- by little we work our way through the week. Do you have anything fun coming up this weekend or in the next week? ...or maybe you're ready for a little relaxation? we are going to my mil's house this weekend to help plumb electric and fill her pool
Twosome: Lost-- Do you get lost easily? ...or are you one of those people who always seems to know where they are? what im somewere? dang let me look around and try n figure it out
Threesome: Sheep-- ...and goats and rabbits and, and, and: What is the favorite critter you look forward to seeing at the petting zoo (if you're a fair goer)? ...and if not, well, which one would just as soon not run across on a walk around the block? I mean, if you were the type who walked around the block and the farm animals escaped from Farmer John's truck on his way to the Fair...
horses oh wait petting zoo??? petting zoo animals prob the baby animals like the deer... baby deer are way cute
Labels: Thursday Threesome