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Location: United States

I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way.

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.::The Times of my Life::.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pumpkin farm

Today Jarods class went on a field trip to a pumpkin farm. Kiara, caylum &myself went too. Here are the pics I took while there.
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Sitting in the "arena" for the chicken show and pig race!
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the track before mother goose came out. Yes that is 2 goant Turkeys in there. There was a bunch of chickens too.
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Cay and Kiara cheering the piggies on.
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The train we went on.
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on the train
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The hay ride
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Cay and Kiara were both kinda teary eyed from all the hay dust in the air from the folks getting on and sitting.
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The pumpkins they chose!
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NO I am over here!!!
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Forget it! My children ar aparently incapable of looking AT the camera and NOT making a face at the same time.
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Kiara at a tree in the apple orchard we ate lunch in.
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Jarod bouncing in hte "hay bounce"
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Cay and the back of Kiaras head in the hay
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more hay
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and again
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last one lol
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Cay and Kiara climbing a tractor
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Cay got busted!
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Then they caught Kiara!
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Jarod on one of the 20 GIANT tires stuck in hte ground for hte kids to play on
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By the time we got back to town they were OUT! Cay was waking up right then though from me turning the car off.

posted by Kristina @ |3:58 PM|

Halloween party

Here are some pics of us in costume gettin ready for the party.
click read more to see

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at the party
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posted by Kristina @ |3:54 PM|


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

test 2

took my 2nd math test yesterday... got a 100 on it too .. whoohoooo... though why I need to know about grains and drops and funky looking symbols for ounces is beyond me lol

posted by Kristina @ |9:19 AM|


Tuesday, October 16, 2007


took my first math test yesterday. Got a 100 Whoohoo.

posted by Kristina @ |9:43 AM|


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

School pics

I got the boys school pics back. My scanner is awful but you get the gist of it!
My mr 4th grader
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And my mr Kindergartner
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He was SOOOOOO excited about finally taking a school pic. They are too cute

posted by Kristina @ |9:01 AM|


Monday, October 08, 2007

prayer request

Just a request for prayers for my nephew and family.

posted by Kristina @ |1:50 PM|


Saturday, October 06, 2007


I do love being sick when pregnant. I have a stuffed nose and a sore throat and my head is throbbing. It is SOOOO nice! I need to clean the bathroom today and do a load or 2 of laundry then i am done i am going to cul up in a blanket and do diddly squat. Uhmm dinner.... No idea lol Maybe I can get Kenny to hit taco bell or something on his way home. I get dizzy when i stand for more hten a few minutes. Good thing hte bathrooms not a complete pigstye, and the laundry thats left is towels and blankets.

Before you ask.. NO I still don't have an appointment scheduled. Apparently they got inundated with urgent referrals and as i am not "urgent" I keep being relegated down the list. I started out on Monday at #12 Thursday I was ALLL the way up to #10! She said she hoped to get to me Friday.. But obviously that didnt happen. Heres to hoping I get the call on Monday! I wonder if they can refer me to some other office that might actually get my appointment scheduled this year! I will give them till uhmmmmmmm I don't know Tuesday or Wednesday Then I am calling my dr and let him deal with it. How hard would it of been to say oh I've got you on hte phone let my just schedule that real quick.. Geesh Ok must go get ta cleaning.. I was going to vac today but my head can't handle it. Just gotta stay hydrated!

posted by Kristina @ |10:05 AM|


Thursday, October 04, 2007

First trip to the nurse

Well I got a call about 20 minutes before J got out of school. Was the nurses office just calling to let me know that he was in there with an ice pack on his eye. Apparently he was hit under his eye with the corner of a book. So I went to get him when school was out was sitting there waiting and his teacher saw me and came over to tell me the same thing. But that she knew who did it and it was being taken care of. I could tell who did it before she even came over to me. It was the little boy who's arm she had in a death grip telling him he is with her. She was really upset that J got hurt. She was darn near in tears telling me about it. He is fine could care less. Was SO funny though as the line of kids walked passed me to go to the cafeteria and out front to get picked up they are all ohh Charlie hurted Jarod's eye. or Charlie hit Jarod or are you mad at Charlie? I was trying hard not to giggle at them ratting out there classmate. It is just a little bruise with a puffy welt around it under his eye. Apparently he stood there crying for a few minutes before it was noticed that he was crying. Though I doubt it could of been long the way Kindergartners are lol.. I know the second 1 cry's they all start yelling that so n so is hurt so n so is crying. anyway we have survived our first school injury for Jarod.

it is a little bit darker in person but just a sm bruise.

posted by Kristina @ |12:02 PM|


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Progress Reports

Apparently they get monthly progress reports in 4th grade here.. Evan brought home his first one yesterday. (grades go from 0-4) in ELA (English) he has a 3 in math he has a 3+ and in science he has a 3. she put excellent for attitude effort and behavior. and in the comment section wrote. " Evan is a very sweet boy and I am thankful that he is in my class." WTG Evan I am SOOOO proud of him.

And before you ask I am still glaring at my phone waiting for it to ring. Which according to them it will do today.

posted by Kristina @ |10:43 AM|


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