About Me
I am the mommy of 7. 4 boys 2 girls and a lab puppy. Wife, student and I work at a veterinary hospital. My hands are full and I wouldn't have them any other way. |
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Monday, March 27, 2006
1. Do you use a bag/sachel/wallet? i have a backpack purse
2. Do you use the same bag/sachel/wallet everyday or change depending on your outfit? same one 3. What do you carry in your bag/sachel/wallet? everything lol from my drivers license to credit cards to diapers n wipes 4. Do you check and change the contents of your bag/sachel/wallet before you go anywhere specific or do you take everything everywhere? i make sure i have extra diapers n stuff when going ouyt for more then a quick trip 5. How often do you have a good clean out of your bag/sachel/wallet? everytime one of my kids empties it
Monday, March 20, 2006
OF SICKNESS!!!!!! youd think wed had enough of it here for a while but NOPE... saturday rolls around first BEAUTIFUL day wev had in a month and all of a sudden the boys start puking their guts up and all of them having the runs! ALL DAY LONG puke puke puke poor guys.. Evan was puking SO hard his ENTIRE face is covered in speckled bruising EVERYWHERE! jarod has it under his eyes and on his NECK! i feel so bad for them all.. kiara luckily just had the runs (luckily HA she pooped all over the place) the first time in a while though that I was hte only healthy person in the house .. yup Kenny had it too... sucked we could of gotten SO much yard work done it was a BEAUTIFUL weekend n now its cloudy n rainy again TODAY is the first day of SPRING!!!!!! and my 10 day forcast calls for 10 days of RAIN! WHERE IS MY WARMTH!
How about some 'fill-in-the-blanks' this week? Thanks for playing, everyone! =)
1. When driving in my car, my radio station is usually tuned to radio disney. 2. When I turn my television on, even if I'm not really paying close attention to it, it's usually on Nick . 3. If I owned a pet, ... well I have a fish tank full o fishies.. they are soothing to watch.. we will be getting a puppy eventually because well duh kids yard dog lol 4. I own a lexmark all in 1 printer. I bought it because i needed to send a fax. 5. You can find all kinds of books in my bookshelves, but mostly this type: Fantasy mainly. 6. I take about A TON of pictures every month. 7. I blog about 30 times a month. 8. I've been really busy taking care of sick kids lately..
Thursday, March 16, 2006
yesterday as the kids were eating dinner (had an early dinner as Evan had little league practice) im running around getting last minute things together when all of a sudden I hear a panicked voice scream.............
"MOOOOOOOOM WHERES MY TOOTH!!!!!!!!!!" yup he lost his first tooth and this is what he looked like when i told him he swallowed it! my first borns first lost tooth and he swallowed it! sniffle i wont even get to get a pic of him with it sniffle
pictures taken over the last couple days .........
isnt she beautiful evans tooth before it fell out when it was wiggly cay playing jarod playing he fell off the top of this scared me scared himself but he climbed back up it! even though he was scared =) my very own bog lol it POURED and hailed right before i took this wheeew luckily it drains away in a hour or 2 OH OH OH OH OH ANDDDDDDD Kiara has another new tooth shes up to 5 now =)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
well I forgot to have my digi cam brought to me so I ended up getting a disp one from the gift shop .. ugh was the worst disp camera EVER only 15 of the pics came out and they are grainy!!!! grrrrr ... I didnt get the camera till the 2nd day we were there as I wasnt leaving her side the first day even with hubby there... anyway to see the pics please...........
obviously she was feeling better =) I on the other hand looked like well you know (my excuse is i hadnt sleot in quite awhile and i had to sit in a awful half reclined uncomfy chair all night no shower no teeth brushed bleck exhaustion and fear great for your looks LMAO) "DADDY!!!! DONT TAKE MY PICTURE MY HAIRS A MESS!" she is almost 100% better now =) you can still see where the rash was but her cough is gone shes breathing clear i think her ear inf is just about toast her nose seems dried up and shes happy and smiley again which makes me happy and smile again =)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
as im sure you saw on sher's blog its been fun! ha !!!! not anyway we are doing good now shes just got reg ol cold now snotty face n mild cough YEAHHH .. but man its not fun being to scared to sleep and then everytime you start to drift an alarm goes off on your baby which promptkly makes you scare the beegevers out of her tryoing to get her out of the hossy crib (dang cages) oy she was miserable! we were all scared for her! was awful man im to exhausted to type it all out but she had viral pneumonia and vomiting dehydration wheezing chest chest compressions when she breathed all that fun stuff iv o2 moniters her o2 hit low 80s a few times (SCARED THE CRAP OUTA ME!) but tended to stay at around 90 when asleep and 93-95 when awake was at 97/98 when they discharged her and she hadnt puked in a long time was nursing again and peeing they put 2 iv bottles in her and as it was it took 6 hours from hte iv going in till she peed poor baby girl and to top it all off as im sure u saw me nephew ethan pulled a dresser on himself and got staples in his head!!! its been fun but id like ta thank everyone for their prayers knowing you were thinking of us helped me alot and id like to again say ty top my mil for coming to save the day at home and watching the boys for us =) your a life saver and a sanity saver lol so thank you all and thank you to the staff at the hossy we were at on a side note there was like 7 babies born why we where there! they play a lullabye over the intercom at every birth =)
Friday, March 03, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
moved this post to the top so itd be seen before the after pics!
my back yard looks like....... (to see please) this from my bedroom from the family room fam room again theres my bedroom door from the kitchen window too see what it looks like later check back later lol oh heres a few pics from yesterday was spose to look like that today and for the rest of the week but today is beautiful so far as u can see by the first pics