These are the ones I've taken with my phone lately.
sucking his thumb lol
some cookies I made
my binky thief
kiara trying to learn how to go under a "bridge" of arms while she is part of the bridge lol. you know holding hands and spinning back to back
was hysterical watching her
more of her asleep on Kian
the cushion of leaves we came home to after Thanksgiving, they were like 3 inches thick
what was left on the tree
while sitting at the dentist (Jarod has no cavities) I noticed Kiara has a chunk o hair shorter then her bangs. Sigh. Still don't know for sure who did it. I am leaning towards her though.
So the other day Kiara starts laughing and says mommy look at Leila. I look and see
yup she got into my address labels
and wouldn't stand still
so i could take a picture
which is why they
are all so stinking blurry
she is sooo funny. Love her lots
the other day whiles it was freezing here (literally 20 degrees out there)I went to wally world at 8 in the am. and as i was leaving i noticed that they had left a set of sprinklers on ALL night. there was a huge puddle of slush and this
beautiful inch thick ice covered plants while prob not very good for the plants it was very pretty.
Yesterday I wanted rice crispy treats bad. I pulled out my jar o marsh creme and discovered it expired in MAY! So I, not wanting to go to the store, searched the web for marsh creme recipes and found 1 that looked appealing and made this
a giant bowl o marsh creme, which Kenny tells me tastes better then the jar stuff.
made my treats and had a ton left over so i made this
which was covered by this
and looked like this once cut into
quite tasty.
I also discovered how to make powdered sugar as I needed some and didn't realize I was out until i was already halfway through.
the smiley guy pics from my phone
I took a video of him too will post that separate so as to not make this that much longer a load lol.